Tropical Cyclone & Severe Weather Evacuation Assistance for Vessels in Cairns Marlin Marina

North Marine provides marina evacuation assistance in the Port of Cairns in the event of forecasted severe weather, tropical cyclones and closures directed by the Regional Harbour Master.

Scope of Work

When the Regional Harbour Master issues a ‘Red Alert’, destructive winds are forecast, and the Cairns Port is closed.

Upon the Harbour Master’s directive to evacuate Cairns Marlin Marina or other areas of Cairns Port, North Marine can be engaged to assist with relocating vessels to their designated area of shelter.

Our workboats and crew can tow unmanned vessels, and assist those under power, in preparation for a Red Alert. 

Additionally, North Marine inspects the condition of existing boat moorings and can install cyclone moorings in preparation for severe weather.

Video Of Cairns Marina Evacuation During Tropical Cyclone Kimi

Watch as vessels are evacuated to safer moorings up Trinity Inlet from Cairns Marlin Marina, Cairns Port.

The severe weather warning issued for the impending Tropical Cyclone Kimi saw “all hands on deck” as the crew of North Marine assisted vessels to brace for the storm. Crews worked into the night and the following day to tow boats and barges from the Cairns Marina.

In this video, see the North Marine tugboat in Cairns, ‘Gulf Explorer’, followed by workboat ‘Viking’, maneuvering the red barge away from the wharf. The barge is relocated to a protected cyclone mooring further upstream in the harbour evacuation mandated by the Cairns Regional Harbour Master in preparation for tropical cyclone Kimi.

This incredible video was captured by Jim Bradley of Edge Smartech.

Date: 28 January 2021

Location: Cairns Marlin Marina, Port of Cairns, Queensland

Client: Private, Commercial & Tourism Operators