Install a Cyclone Mooring in Queensland

Install a Cyclone Mooring in Queensland

In the event of severe weather – are you confident that your vessel will be safe?

North Marine are Queensland boat mooring installation specialists. Our cyclone moorings are designed to withstand tidal, wind and wave action; and to endure the cyclone conditions common to Queensland.

Where severe weather is concerned, preparation is key.  We install cyclone moorings throughout Queensland and the Torres Straits.

Our installations cover a range of sectors including:

  • Private Owners
  • Commercial
  • Government
  • Research & Scientific Institutions

Cyclone Moorings for Queensland Weather

Selecting the correct cyclone mooring installation is critical for the safety of your asset. That’s why, at North Marine, we work to ensure your vessel is safe and secure.

Contact us to discuss your cyclone mooring installation




Related Pages

Severe Weather Preparation

Links to useful websites and resources

Being prepared is essential to ensuring the safety of your vessel/s.

Marine weather forecasts are generally accurate when predicting major weather events such as cyclones, but can be less accurate when predicting other severe weather such as high winds and surge.

Visit the Bureau of Meteorology website, here, for up to date forecasts on marine weather, tidal conditions, wind and coastal warnings.

You can find Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) Extreme Weather Event Contingency Plans, here.

Prepare your vessel for severe weather in advance, know your Cyclone & Severe Weather Emergency Plan and ensure a well-maintained cyclone mooring is available and fit-for-purpose.

Cyclone Mooring Configurations

Cyclone Mooring Installation & Design

Commercial Diving Services – Cyclone Moorings in Queensland

Our expert Commercial Diving Division works to deliver safe shelter during cyclone season and for severe weather events.

All of our moorings are approved by a Naval Architect.

The design of your cyclone mooring will depend on numerous factors including the location/s of the installation and the vessel specifications.

A typical cyclone mooring might consist of a 360-degree swing mooring configuration, with cyclone-rated components for the weight of the intended craft.


Contact us to discuss your cyclone mooring specifications.


Emergency Evacuation & Tugboat Support For The Port Of Cairns

Harbour evacuation assistance in Cairns Port, Far North Queensland

While our skilled Commercial Dive Division installs cyclone moorings throughout Queensland, we also offer harbour evacuation assistance to Far North Queensland boat owners.

If you direct us to do so, we can assist you to move your vessel safely to your preferred location in the event of a harbour evacuation in the Port of Cairns.


Contact us if you need a vessel towed to your cyclone mooring or safe harbour.


Vessel Cyclone Moorings in Queensland

Install a secure and reliable cyclone mooring with North Marine’s Commercial Diving Services.

Contact Us

Disclaimer: The information on this page applies to Queensland boat moorings only and may change. Please contact North Marine directly for up-to-date information before acting on the information given.